Saturday, March 12, 2011

Selfish Reasons

Well, as soon as I spoke, I looked and saw that I now have 10 followers!!

Thank you, April Huggins, for making this dream possible. ;)

First of all, I want to thank everyone for their feedback. Loved the tips from my sister red, Rachel R. and also Holly J. And many, many thanks to Ashley and Pam for their encouraging words. It helps more than you know.

Second of all, I want to apologize. I hope that my past posts didn't make it seem that I hate myself. Or that I'm doing this weight loss business for someone else. That's completely not the case. I feel horrible at the weight I am right now. And I just keep gaining. I can't allow that to happen. I can't keep doing this to myself when I know that there's something that can work for me, and knowing that there are things I like to eat that won't, well, kill me.

Okay, so yeah, I talk about the "boy" thing. The fact that I still haven't had my first date or my first kiss, and I'm 22. Soon 23, mind you. I'm not doing this for whatever guy might be out there for me, but you've got to admit, it will certainly help. I mean, let's be honest...I'm sure someone would have at least given me a chance if I wasn't the size I am. That's just life. It sucks, heck yes...but that's America for you.

I want to be able to feel well. I want to be able to find clothes. I want to be able to be proud of myself for something. This is what I'm doing for myself. If it happens to help with other issues, then praise Jesus.

In other news, I just burned the HECK out of my tongue on hot soup, and I have a lie bump under my tongue in the very back. My mouth is holding a pity party. And I'm sorry, but you're not invited. That would be awkward.

Nothing interesting happened today. Work was slow. Finished scanning DPCs!! So, that was happy.

I didn't exercise today, though...-hangs head- But I was on my feet from 9 to 6, and my feet are KILLING ME. It'll be daylight longer tomorrow, so more time to walk outside. Because, you know what? The Rec's Spring Break schedule is RIDICULOUS. They're open during the times I work and that's about it. They should be there to serve me! No SB for YOU!!! >:(

Totes joking.

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