Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Watch Out, Ronald Weasley

I say this with utmost respect and complete adoration for Rupert Grint. I think I've made it quite clear how in love with him I am. However, as I was watching The Deathly Hallows for the second time with the wonderful Jon Croy on Saturday night, someone else caught my attention. I noticed him the first time around, don't get me wrong...but I still wasn't sure. It's an odd infatuation, but I don't feel so bad since I've googled him and have seen him looking much cleaner [although I DO love his long hair in the movie. Judge me not].

Scabior. The head Snatcher:
Again, judge me if you must. But I say, "Hello Beautiful" indeed. There's just something about him. 

Anyway, Jasper was grounded last night. He had to stay in his room [my room] all night and didn't get to come out. He's been much better today as I understand, and is, as we speak, just lying sweetly on the floor. I'm not fooled, of course. I know him too well. 

Going to breakfast tomorrow morning with my big sister [Kate] before we go fill out my papers to become an official Psych major. Yep. That's right. Maybe get my schedule under way as well, although I still have to talk to the music minor... O_o

Do you ever have moments when you can't remember a simple word? Like right now, I can't even remember what the word is for the person who counsels you on what classes to--


That's it. Seriously. "I'm not that smart." 

So, there's a chance I've found an apt. for next semester. It's not set in stone, and the rents are still thinking about it, but maybe it will happen, and Jasper and I won't be stuck in this museum, and I can go out WHENEVER I want and not feel guilty for leaving Grandmother behind. If it doesn't happen, then it will be okay. A lot of it depends on me, which I'm so ready to do. But I've got to watch what I spend. I may think I make plenty of money to pay rent, but then there's gas I have to think about, which is quickly becoming as pricey as gold. And then groceries. I think we can all say I don't need to worry about eating. I can stand to lose a few pounds. Fact-O-the-Matter is the healthy crap costs a lot more.

Did you know the word 'set' has more definitions than any other word in the English language?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Curiosity didn't kill the cat...I did.

I was going to talk about a few things in this blog. Like how LARPo reads Troll Zombie Slayer books on the job, how much I enjoyed the Harry Potter movie, and possibly spout off some more about pharmacy life. Also some anonymous shout outs, which I'll still do because I'm pretty upset, which works for the mood of the entry.

I was also going to talk about what a mess Jasper is, especially with the Christmas tree. All in fun. But it all changed when I walked in from work to find the big pineapple vase [1. Who has one of those ANYWAY?!] in hundreds of pieces at the foot of the fireplace. Yeah. Guess who did it? Jasper. Guess who's BEEN breaking things? Jasper. Guess who unraveled the lights from the tree after we put them on? Jasper. Guess who has been climbing all over things, crying all night, climbing on tables, ETC? Jasper. My cat.

I'm so mad. I live in a house that is NOT cat proof. And it makes me wish every day almost that I had never gotten Jasper. Which sucks to say. I have to start thinking about the possibility of finding him a new home. You say "My God, it's just a cat!" Yeah, well, try living with one for 17 years and then tell me a cat is just a cat. He's my companion. They make being home alone more bearable. For me. Really, I don't care what you think about cats. I know some of you loathe them. Well, good for you.

Mom tells me he's just a kitten and he doesn't know what he's doing. True.
Grandmother understands this. False.

I'm not so happy. For me it's like saying I have to give up my child.


Shout Outs: [Just remember what "assuming" does to us]

1. Hey, yeah, I love how you completely change when you're around "them." We have lots of fun, just the three of us, but add them into the mix...? I mean, do you honestly need their approval? Is it not cool to like me? Because, hey, that's just ignorant. I'm fantastic! But I mean, look... Keep it up and we just won't worry about it anymore. Hate it, because I thought we were best friends.

2. You both have absolutely picked me up this semester. I thought things would change since I had to go to Sheltonia for the semester. But you've kept me in the mix, kept me included. You've loved on me, hugged me, spent time with me, laughed with me, everything. I can't thank you enough. You've become some of my best friends. So, uh...what do you want for Christmas.

3. You're my hero. Have been for 22 years and counting.

4. I'm tired of looking for the approval from you that I know I'll never get. Just stay in your little bubble in your little spotlight. Little. L-I-T-T-L-E.

5. You're my cross-country best friend. I need for you to fly here. Right now. It's about time you got your apparation license. I feel like we've known each other for forever. Just hold on. Imma move there one day. Far away from here. ONE DAY.

6. Come home already. Dang. <3

That's all I got. =/

Monday, November 22, 2010

"Feeling fly, like it's Quidditch."

Ok, so this will probably be a long entry. And you'll probably learn more about me than you'd like. So read at your own risk as I'll risk the high possibility of being judged. This I'm okay with because, for the most part, I'm okay with myself.

Also, forgive me if I seem bitter and accusing; it's Monday, I've just eaten since 11, and I'm pretty grumpy.

First things first; I want to clear up any "misunderstandings" people have about the pharmacy. I don't care if the pharmacy at home serves you faster than the Rite Aid I work at. I just don't care. Take a moment from your adderall and look around you; from the counter perspective, there's a hospital before you, a STUDENT health center to your left, a UNIVERSITY behind you, and plenty of doctor's offices no more than one to two miles away. Let it sink in. Think, if you're capable, about how many people, how many students, how many germs, how many bacterias, how many Sorority/ Fraternity initiations gone wrong there are possible. We are the center. We get tons of people. There is a process to filling your precious prescriptions. And I may get a few things wrong, or I might even leave some things out because I'm not an official tech yet. But I know it's a PROCESS.

1. We have to make sure that we have your drugs so that you don't bite our heads off when you come back and find that you have nothing to pick up. We're saving YOU time. You're welcome.

2. We have to make sure you're in our system. It DOES matter. There is a reason you have to get doctors to prescribe you these things; they're not something to play around with. People misuse and OVERuse these things, and it's our job to keep you from killing yourself, okay? We have to keep up with what you take, how much you take, when you're supposed to take it, and if something else you're taking is going to react badly with another prescription. There's a method to the madness. I SWEAR.

3. We have to find you're bottle, tube, whatever, of drugs. If they're tablet, capsules, whathaveyou, then we have to count them out. Multiple times. If we give you too much, that's just bad news. It puts everyone at risk. Lose-lose. Okay. Not so bad.

4. Labels. Necessary. You don't want to get Jim Bob's medications. There's no telling what he has to take with those 19 kids. Is it 20, now? I don't know...

5. INSURANCE is key. For you. As much as I hate insurance companies, because they all pretty much suck in the long run, we want to make sure you get the lowest prices possible. We have to make sure they'll cover it to save you money and to save all that hot air you've stored during the day for your spouse, loved one, or child at home. I don't want it. I want you well, but I don't want you jumping down my throat. I might sound like a hardass right now, but I'll tell you right now, I'll cry. So save it. Save time, money, hot air, wet receipts.

6. Pharmacist has to check our work. Imperative. He catches all the last minute mistakes. We're all human. We make them. And he has to approve our work. It's for your benefit. For your safety, and for our nerves.

And you know what, then it's yours! Take it! Leave! And most importantly, be patient with us. Many many more things can happen that take your time away, things that I'm not going to go into right now. We can't just throw your pills in a bottle and hand it to you. It doesn't work that way. Wish it did, but... what are you going to do? "B & M-ing" won't make things go any faster.

I also have another job in the pharmacy. My job is to make sure that Christina smiles at least once every few minutes while I'm around. She's this tiny little person that can get SO frazzled, so excited, and I've made it my job to make her day a little more pleasant. She's pretty much my favorite in the pharmacy, though I love the other girls, but she makes me laugh so ridiculously hard when her feathers are ruffled. :]

I've decided to keep my other point for another blog, another day. It's about having gas. Look forward to it. Pre-judge me. I dare you. But we WILL have that discussion.

Over 3 million people suffer from obsessive hoarding. Interesting.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I've been sleeping all day.

Because I puked my guts out all night last night. Totes. So, Emily and I have narrowed down the culprit. She didn't get sick. We both ate chips, salsa, and cheese dip. No problem. I only had 3 tacos, and she got a taco and a cheese quesadilla. Okay, so that was odd. Then I remember that Emily had a beef taco, whereas I had chicken tacos. Dirty chicken. It was probably washed and prepared in actual Mexican water. Would make lots of sense.

At any rate, I woke up this morning at, oh, I don't know, 1am, 1:30...Somewhere in there. And I finally fell back asleep around 4am. And, oh by the way, I'm home alone, so I was pretty much fending for myself. I wanted to call my mom so that I could cry and be pitiful, but I didn't see what the point was in calling her when she's miles away in Florida. So I called my sister down the street instead. Lol. Of course there was nothing she could do for me, but I figured someone should know just in case I puked myself to death. Jasper was of course no help. He sat there and watched as I filled my trash can with my dinner, and I think he even tried to come up and snif it, but my retching startled him. But he did cuddle with me this morning, so I forgave him.

And I'm sure you all want to know this. You're welcome.

I slept today until 11, talked to my mom while lying in bed, feeling completely good as new, but still felt inclined to be pitiful on the phone for my mom. :] I love her so much. I know she'd run up here in ten minutes flat if she had a good pair of running shoes. Like a good pair of tires. I then ate breakfast because my stomach was completely empty, which settled fine, and guess what I did then? I went back to bed around 1. Stayed there and slept until 5pm. Ran over to Kate's house to let Brooklyn and Heidi use the potty, then came right back home and ate some dinner, which again was fine. And I've been drinking Fresca all day. The new Sprite in my eyes.

I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and have also been watching Will & Grace. Which I'm watching now. In bed. And I'm still excited about going to bed. Even though I've slept all day. Good thing I had no work, no school, no plans.

Mmm. Goodnight.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ok, so here's the story, here's the thing...

"Oh, @#%$...Was that a person or a speed bump??"

So, I think half of the world's population was at the midnight premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. People were in line circling the building, ending at the hotel behind the theatre. Pretty epic. I was, however, not one of those people, seeing as I'm a complete and total nerd and got to the theatre before 9pm. And let me tell you, the line was still out the door close to being around the building. I was pretty much seeing the movie with the most amazing people ever. Kate, Daniel, Katie, John, James, Mabs, and Kasey. And of course I saw many more loves while I was there.

So, okay, let's talk about this movie. I want to do horrible, wonderful things to Rupert Grint. I mean, Rupert Grint was looking pretty good. As always. And you know what, can we talk about the fact that I always look forward to these movies for once NOT including spiders. Well, there were some, and of course Ron Weasley and I were scared poop-less. Kate held my hand, though, so that helped. The movie was fantastic. So true to the book for the most part.

Dobby. Ohmahgah, Dobby. You rock hardcore. I'm still in denial that you're gone. I cried. And am still crying on the inside.

So, anyway, one of the best nights of my life. I need it to be July right now, though.

Ok, so let's talk about something else today. We're gonna be hypothetical for a second here. Say you're at work, yeah? You're the only "cashier," yet there are other people there that know how to work one and could help. And you've got, say, a line of people wrapped around aisles inside and a line of cars wrapped around the building. You're running back and forth. Customers are frustrated. You're frustrated. And other people are being snobs and choosing not to help you. My thoughts: Okay, yes. I acknowledge the fact that you have to fill some...candy, we'll call it. And I know people are coming back for that...candy. But there are people here NOW that want their candy, or they're going to get grumpy. And eat me instead. Help a girl out, ok?! I shouldn't have to ask. Lucky for you, I know how to handle myself well with my customers in situations like that. And they know it isn't my fault.

I may not be smart but I ain't* dumb.

[* used only for emphasis.]

Ok, so, Mom and Grandmother. The next time you're absolutely terrified at the state of my room, watch an episode of Hoarders; It. Could. Be. WORSE.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lucious Malfoy in the Room of Requirement with the Disappearing Cabinet

The original title was a lot more PG-13. Again, Kate, I'm sure you'd know what I was thinking. Zacc and Lawson, too. Because they just know. 

The pumpkin bread from my Harry Potter cookbook was a hit, apparently, since the whole loaf didn't last more than half an hour. I was so convinced during the whole duration of the process that I was doing everything wrong. But, the product was moist and pumpkiny and delicious. And I'm going to make it for Thanksgiving. And probably Christmas. And probably forever. And it makes me want to bake more. HERE WE GO. Maybe it'll be something I'm actually good at. That bread was DANG tasty.

Katie and John made it over to the house first. I've missed them so much, and it was nice to sit and chat with them again. My cough was gone before they came over and made me laugh hysterically, and thus the coughing began. But, of course, I didn't mind a bit. I was happy. :] We watched ANTM and yelled at the girls on the screen for this and that, and being dumb. It was fun.

Then Lawson and Zacc came over. Can I tell you all how much I completely adore those two? They are so my favorites. I love them so much, and they always make me smile. Zacc never ceases to make me laugh and Lawson's just so cute it's ridiculous. I love my friends.

Emily came by after Katie and John already left, which she wasn't happy about, btw. She brought some deliciousness with her in the form of cookie dough to go a long with our crescent dogs and pumpkin bread. Oh, wait. No. The pumpkin bread was no longer in existence. Then my beautiful sister-fran Kate finally made it over with some pizza, and was soon followed by Daniel. I feel like I'm rambling. Let's move on to...

The game. We won. Whoo hoo. Moving on...

HARRY POTTER CLUE. Best game ever. I've finally played it for the first time since I got it for Christmas from Katie 2 years ago. Not that I didn't think it was awesome...because I TOTALLY did. It was the fact that the directions are a lot different than normal CLUE, and I never felt like reading them...Eh heh... But I felt like it tonight, and man, it is pretty awesome. Who wants to come over and play it? 'Cause I'll play it anytime. Get three or more of us together, and let's DO IT.

Which leads me to this really confusing, but fun after you play it for the 7th time, Fluxx. I wish I could explain it. But alas, I cannot. It was crazy. But fun.

Now everyone's gone, and I need to go SLEEP. Night.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I love my Jasper. I talk to him more than any sane person should probably talk to their cat. But he's so cute, and he reacts to what I say, I think.

I'm mad off my rocker.

Alright. So, I'm baking today. I called my grandmother to make sure what was all purpose flour and self rising. I think we're both confused. And I hope she ended up telling me the right one. I guess we'll see...?

So. I'll be back with details. Possibly horror stories about how my pumpkin bread ate me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Don't Panic."

Are you freaking KIDDING me, Harry Potter?? You're in a very small clearing in the forest with a very LARGE spider and it's spawns. And you're telling you're beautiful red-headed sidekick that I am going to marry NOT to panic? You're dumb. Oh, and btw...the thing TALKS. Not okay.

Realize that I'm spouting off in order to distract myself from looking at the wreck of spiders on James Seay's very large flat screen tv. Imagine me in the theatres. Talk about my kind of horror film.

Today was fair. Work was actually pretty busy, compared to the last few Fridays I've had. Haven't found that blasted adderall yet, though. [That's right, you KILL that spider!!! ... Oh...] LARPo [for that is what I shall refer to him as] actually complimented me today and has been REALLY nice the last week or so. At first, it was really awkward. But it's pretty pleasant now.

And I didn't get my drug flashcards today. Poop on that.

That was not a command...

Let's see, let's see... I deposited my check. Went to see my sister-fran, Kate, at work to treat her to some Dove chocolate. :] Went home, ate dinner, showered, annoyed Jasper, blah, blah, blah... Went to Target and got this really cute shirt for only $5. That's right. Awesome. And now I'm Lilah-sitting for James. She's asleep on the couch. Sweet puppy. :]

Tomorrow I plan to have my first trial and error run of making the Harry Potter Pumpkin bread on my own without James, because I plan to make it a regular recipe of mine. It's that good. And looking back on my first sentence, I apparently "plan" to do a lot of things. Mhmm. And then if the bread is decent enough [right spelling of that?] it will be eaten at the little football game get together thing-a-mah-bob at my place. So come by.

Imma watch my Harry Potter now. Or as I like to call it, Ron Weasley and the Boy Who Cried Wizard Angst.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's a Mucus Family Reunion...

So says the Mucinex commercial. And it's going on right now inside my chest. But I still feel ok. Much MUCH better than yesterday.

Work was funny today. I guess since I've just started as a Pharmacy Technician, I don't really know what's a crisis and what's not. We lost an adderall. It was a BIG deal. And, I mean, I can see how it would be. It's a controlled substance, and you have to keep a strict count on them, as well as all of the drugs, but man...it was funny watching them roll around on the floor, scraping under the shelves and stuff for this little orange pill. And of course I just stood there and watched because I'm not allowed to touch the drugs yet. So...if I found it, I could not retrieve it. And where's the glory in that?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ok, so...

This is my first real post. My snot's important and all, but... Yeah.

I woke up this morning feeling like DOO. DOO. Oh yeah. Not to mention Jasper. My parents are in town. And Jasper CANNOT stand it when the door is closed and he knows someone is sleeping just across the hall in the other room. He has to know where everyone is at ALL TIMES. Drives him insane. Which leads to him pawing mercilessly at the door...which leads to me being unable to sleep...which leads me to [lovingly] beat Jasper...which doesn't help...so on. Bless his furry little heart, I love him so much, but he just really pisses me off sometimes.

I had two tests today. And it's only natural that my nose decides to run the entire duration of both. Then it was off to home for a nap. Then off to work. Jerk face has been a lot nicer lately. The ladies and I are pretty sure someone finally let him have it. Good. He deserved it. And even admitted today that he isn't well-liked. Which, I've liked him lately because he's finally been nice. Stop being an ass, and HEY we'll all like you! Novel idea. Work sucks, however, with a cold. but I only worked three hours today, and now I'm home. Typing.

Gah, my life's boring.

Hmm. I gotta go blow my nose and harvest my crops.

Speaking of Boogers...

I'm sick. Full of snot.

You're welcome. :]