Friday, November 12, 2010

"Don't Panic."

Are you freaking KIDDING me, Harry Potter?? You're in a very small clearing in the forest with a very LARGE spider and it's spawns. And you're telling you're beautiful red-headed sidekick that I am going to marry NOT to panic? You're dumb. Oh, and btw...the thing TALKS. Not okay.

Realize that I'm spouting off in order to distract myself from looking at the wreck of spiders on James Seay's very large flat screen tv. Imagine me in the theatres. Talk about my kind of horror film.

Today was fair. Work was actually pretty busy, compared to the last few Fridays I've had. Haven't found that blasted adderall yet, though. [That's right, you KILL that spider!!! ... Oh...] LARPo [for that is what I shall refer to him as] actually complimented me today and has been REALLY nice the last week or so. At first, it was really awkward. But it's pretty pleasant now.

And I didn't get my drug flashcards today. Poop on that.

That was not a command...

Let's see, let's see... I deposited my check. Went to see my sister-fran, Kate, at work to treat her to some Dove chocolate. :] Went home, ate dinner, showered, annoyed Jasper, blah, blah, blah... Went to Target and got this really cute shirt for only $5. That's right. Awesome. And now I'm Lilah-sitting for James. She's asleep on the couch. Sweet puppy. :]

Tomorrow I plan to have my first trial and error run of making the Harry Potter Pumpkin bread on my own without James, because I plan to make it a regular recipe of mine. It's that good. And looking back on my first sentence, I apparently "plan" to do a lot of things. Mhmm. And then if the bread is decent enough [right spelling of that?] it will be eaten at the little football game get together thing-a-mah-bob at my place. So come by.

Imma watch my Harry Potter now. Or as I like to call it, Ron Weasley and the Boy Who Cried Wizard Angst.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amy! Ha! I love your blog. I had to click on it on fb, because of the booger! I'm doing my blog for school on being a flight attendant, so when you read mine don't think I'm dumb! Ha ha! Miss you honey!
