Saturday, November 20, 2010

I've been sleeping all day.

Because I puked my guts out all night last night. Totes. So, Emily and I have narrowed down the culprit. She didn't get sick. We both ate chips, salsa, and cheese dip. No problem. I only had 3 tacos, and she got a taco and a cheese quesadilla. Okay, so that was odd. Then I remember that Emily had a beef taco, whereas I had chicken tacos. Dirty chicken. It was probably washed and prepared in actual Mexican water. Would make lots of sense.

At any rate, I woke up this morning at, oh, I don't know, 1am, 1:30...Somewhere in there. And I finally fell back asleep around 4am. And, oh by the way, I'm home alone, so I was pretty much fending for myself. I wanted to call my mom so that I could cry and be pitiful, but I didn't see what the point was in calling her when she's miles away in Florida. So I called my sister down the street instead. Lol. Of course there was nothing she could do for me, but I figured someone should know just in case I puked myself to death. Jasper was of course no help. He sat there and watched as I filled my trash can with my dinner, and I think he even tried to come up and snif it, but my retching startled him. But he did cuddle with me this morning, so I forgave him.

And I'm sure you all want to know this. You're welcome.

I slept today until 11, talked to my mom while lying in bed, feeling completely good as new, but still felt inclined to be pitiful on the phone for my mom. :] I love her so much. I know she'd run up here in ten minutes flat if she had a good pair of running shoes. Like a good pair of tires. I then ate breakfast because my stomach was completely empty, which settled fine, and guess what I did then? I went back to bed around 1. Stayed there and slept until 5pm. Ran over to Kate's house to let Brooklyn and Heidi use the potty, then came right back home and ate some dinner, which again was fine. And I've been drinking Fresca all day. The new Sprite in my eyes.

I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and have also been watching Will & Grace. Which I'm watching now. In bed. And I'm still excited about going to bed. Even though I've slept all day. Good thing I had no work, no school, no plans.

Mmm. Goodnight.

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