Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Have A Lot To Learn

So, apparently, certain fruits and veggies are only in season for...well, certain seasons. What the crap is THAT about?? (I know, it's common knowledge. Humor me.) I mean, no WONDER the zucchini I wanted to buy a couple of months ago felt so weird. Which is why I didn't buy it, by the way. I've suddenly become a huge fan of zucchini. Only cooked, though. Wait, is it even normal to eat it raw? I don't know. But I don't think I'd like it. According to Arthur, however, zucchini isn't even in season! Say, whaaaaa???

Shocked and appalled. Shocked. And. Appalled.

The same goes for nectarines. The first time I bought them, I was being an idiot college kid and I didn't look at the price. THIS time, today, I went to get some more because I discovered I really liked those, too, and saw that they were $3.99 a lb. O_O I don't have $4 to spend on a nectarine and a half! Come on! My hours are nearly cut to nothing, here! Give me a break... :(

Healthy food is so dang expensive. Heck, NORMAL food is expensive. Ramen Noodles are not normal. Chef Boyardee or whatever is NOT normal food. As soon as I actually have some money, I plan to start making my own meals and trying out some recipes. I've found some good ones. Most of them include zucchini, so I guess I have to wait anyway. Seasons...HA!

Tonight I made meself a little pizza, though.

1/4 cup of Mozzarella (2% milk) : 2 points
1/4 cup Ragu pizza sauce : 1 point
1 piece of Flatout bread : 2 points
17 turkey pepperonis : 2 points

Toss it in the oven (350) for about 7-8 minutes, and voila! 7 point pizza. My "flavor" of bread was spinach. They have regular, tomato, etc..., too.

One more thing...

Ever since I went on a cruise with my sister and her family in October, I have had NUMEROUS, I mean, TONS of dreams involving me being on a cruise. Or a boat of some kind.

In one, we were entering some sort of war zone. I caught a skyline of buildings collapsing on my camcorder. (I don't own one, btw). Our boat also sank in some random lake, which reminded me of when I read Heart of Darkness. A little bit wider than the one I visioned in the book, but...same type of location. Brown water. The works. The most I can recall is being able to swim to shore.

Last night I had one which was fairly normal...except when I got on the ship, the water was flowing over on deck, seemed to be normal. Then I realized that I'd be sharing the cruise with a BUNCH of people I'd rather not spend my week with. But then I see a glimpse of red down the hallway from my room, and it's my Kate-sister. She surprised me with signing up for the cruise, too. There was also a baby. I don't know if she was mine, or...what. But it was me, the baby and Mom in one room, I think... I fed the baby, the baby projectile vomited, took a five minute nap and was all of a sudden around three or four years old, REFUSING to use the potty.

Then there was one dream where it was like...a luxury boat. That was cool.

Then a really large one. With a big theatre...I don't remember much from that one.

And there have been more. It's just really weird.

Not this Cruise...

THIS cruise.

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