Monday, October 17, 2011

Til Death

This weekend, I went to Gulf Shores to celebrate for, not one, but TWO weddings! On the beach. And they couldn't have gotten any better weather! Both were beautifully done. Simple and gorgeous. Really, when you have the beach, what more do you need? A natural setting, lovely colors, waves for music, and extraordinary sunsets.

And, as always, I have this little game I like to play when I go to events such as this. It's called "Photographer." It's when I take my little dinky cannon camera and run around taking pictures of everything in site. Like I'm some professional or something. Really wish I was. I want one of those nice, big cameras. But...$$$. And then I do some amateur editing and put them on FB for the REAL photographers to scrutinize. Setting myself up for failure, sure, but they've all kept their comments to themselves so far. Totes fine.

Here are the "Mr. & Mrs." shots from each wedding:


So, this weekend has me thinking of my own wedding. Should I ever meet a reason for one. If not, then you'll all still probably have to indulge me and have a "Cat Lady Wedding" or something absurd like that so all of my "dreams" come true.

I already know what my something blue will be. Not gonna tell. #1, I don't know if Mom would like it, and #2, I'll not have you taking my idea. Not that you would, since almost all of my friends are now married anyway, but... you know. It's a trust thing. 

Also, I want to know if anyone has ever had a CAT in their wedding...? Would that be weird? I kind of want Jasper to be my ring bearer. You know, have Carly walk him down the aisle on a little harness thing. He would go insane. It's a thought, though. 

And of course I'll have both of my daddys walk me down the aisle. No question there.

I want BAGPIPES. Even if it's just one random guy, but I want bagpipes. Also, my reception will have a dance floor. Dads, have you got your checkbooks out? O_o You've got time, yet, don't fret.

Also, there will be a basket of disposable cameras at the door. You pick one up as you come in and you do not leave until the camera is full and back in that basket. :) 

I know my bridesmaid color.

There will be Scottish folk music at some point in time at the reception. And you'll just have to get over it.

I'll also be needing one of those guys that stands at the alter and actually GIVES you the ring and says all that "Death til" stuff. That would be UH-mazing. Taking applications as of 23 years ago. 

Bed time. G'night, lovers.

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