Monday, October 24, 2011

This is Stupid.

I read the rest of the questions on that 30 Day Challenge thing, and decided to quit. Again. Too many dumb questions. Like the last one. Anyway, I don't really have anything interesting to write about, so I'm going to post some awesome pictures I've found whilst "Stumbling."

So flipping creepy and so freaking cool at the same time.
Love it.

I just think this is cool.

I love soldiers, and I love cats. 
This is the sweetest thing ever. 
And I love it.

I'll be sure to have a gigantic tree in my back yard when I'm famous
so that all of my friends can have their own
little flying tent thing.

Pretty bird!

Da sweetest fing eva!!!!! ^_____^

These next few are just hilarious. And witty. And passive aggressive. 
All of which I am.
When I'm not being sweet. ^_^

Dear Unicorns,
Why didn't you include the dragons in your complaint?


Whenever we go out, 
the people ALWAYS shout.
Inside voices.

And last, but not least, my favorite letter:

Free. Of. Charge.

I got my Ed Sheeran CD today. I'm going to go sync it to my iPhone and fall asleep to it.

G'night, lovers.


  1. You know I love your witty self! You make me smile!

  2. I love it - for so many reasons! I chuckled all the way through it! It is a gift to be able to make others smile!
