Saturday, May 4, 2013

Oh, that's right...

I kind of forgot I had this. I'm thinking I should start writing again. You know, since I'm a college drop out and make next to nothing being a pharmacy technician. Hoping that will change soon, but I can't ever make those kinds of promises.

That being said, don't ask me how school's going. It's depressing when I have to go through the fact that, you know, I'm not in school. -_-

Here's what I'd like to be:
- Pepper Potts
- Sherlock's Watson
- The Doctor's companion
- An auror
- An Elven warrior
- An Avenger
- The heiress to Downton Abbey
- The droids that you're not looking for

All completely practical, right? ;]

No, but really. I'll get my stuff together. My anxiety kind of keeps me from looking into the future too much. I guess I shouldn't really use that as an excuse, but if you knew the true, ugly side effects of anxiety, you'd live for the moment, too. xD

Anyway, I'm watching Iron Man right now, and RDJ is being awfully distracting. Pepper is one LUCKY lady!

Tomorrow, I want to go to the gym. Someone make sure I follow through with that. Make me feel REALLY bad about it. And they close at 7pm, so start early. :]

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