Friday, October 14, 2011

Day Ten: One Food + One Drink = Eternity

If you had to eat one food and drink one drink for the rest of your days, what would it be?

Okay, see, this is a loaded question. First of all, you'd want me to say water for my drink, right? "OMG, it's so healthy, and you'll live better, longer!" "*scoff* Are you kidding? Water is the ONLY think I drink. *hair toss*

Shut up, you waifs. 

Chances are, you're stranded on an island, and these are the only two things available. And between you and your volley ball, you'll more than likely be the first to "go," and it probably won't be long until then. Let's be honest. 

So make it good.

Mt. Dew is my ultimate weakness. But so is Milo's sweet tea. Probably the sweet tea. I can't give you a straight answer on that. But it totes won't be WATER! 

Food. It's not "My most favorite food EVER!!! :D", but I'd probably pick chicken. I mean...protein. You can cook it all kinds of ways. It would take longer to get sick of. 

So, BAM! What now??


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