Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day Nine: Pet Peeves

So, you know that "30 Day Challenge" thing I started, like, months ago? You know, the one where I got to "Day 8" and stopped? Well, I think I'm going to pick that up again since I don't have a whole lot to write about these days except how much I hate my job and my academic choices.

These are in no particular order, and could be added to in the future:

1. TyPiNg LiKe tHiS. You look like a moron. Even the twelve year olds out there need to learn now that it is NOT CUTE. It's not pretty, it doesn't make you special. It's stupid. S.T.U.P.I.D. Stupid.

2. Bad Grammar.

3. People that take their children/babies to Wal-Mart in the wee hours of the morning. Baby needs to be in bed, and kiddo over there has SCHOOL tomorrow! Dang.

4. Double negatives.

5. The word "ain't."

6. People that compare their inhalers with me, claiming that theirs is better because it has a counter on the back of how many inhalations you have left. [KASEY.]

7. People who invite you out somewhere, and then cancel. To go somewhere with ANOTHER person. Haters...

8. People that think they're God's Gift. I know a few too many.

9. A messy work station at the pharmacy. Drives me insane. While some people leave bottle foil and fresh packs all over their areas. TRASH. CAN.

10. People who assume FAR too much.

11. People who assume PERIOD. "To assume makes an ASSume out of assUme and assuME." No, wait; just you.

12. People who use my biggest fear to annoy me. You will NEVER get me to be okay with them. EVER. The only think you'll get is a slap in the face or a kick in the arse.

13. People who take me for granted. Maybe I'd think better of myself if YOU would give me a chance...

I'm sure there are more. Because I'm sure I'll b**** about it on here another time. It's hard to think of specific things on the spot.

i can has?!


  1. Is it OK if I link my niece to this? She would love your b**ching, I do think. She is also a Ginger, also 'way gorgeous, like you, and is only 18. I think she needs more Gingers in her life.

    PS Spelling error in "...Kiddo over there." See, I still has it, even at 52. When I stop correcting grammar, put the toe tag on me because I am outta here. Also, I'm hoping it's OK to correct if one is a ginger, one once was a ginger, or when one actually HAD color in one's hair, one WANTED to be a ginger.

  2. Of course! My ranting is for all to enjoy or hate. ^_^ And Ginger Power! OH NO, I can't believe I am my own pet peeve! To my defense, it was 2am when I wrote this...does that help my case? xD

    It is definitely okay; if you love red hair as much as a redhead should love their red hair, then you, my friend, are what my other Ginger friends and I call an Honorary Redhead. :)

    Glad you enjoy my blogs! I hope your niece does, too!
