Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I feel like I have a lot to say...

So I'm just going to write a blog post about it. I haven't done one in a while.

A lot has happened. And a lot I don't remember.

So, last night I couldn't sleep for reasons I can't say, or I'd have to kill you. So, I was up, you know, around 1:00-1:30 AM. That's around the time I finally went to sleep. And I did so thinking, "Oh, I'm so glad I don't have class tomorrow. I'm not going to wake up until 10."

Set my alarm for 10.

I was still geared up from last night that my body woke me up at 8:15 this morning, or something like that. I was so angry because I was able to sleep late and I couldn't. But it wasn't just my fault. Jasper likes to cuddle early in the morning, which requires me to lie a certain way so he can curl up under my arm. So it's pretty much his fault, too. But it's so cute that I can't be mad.'t the story, here's the thing...8:30 rolls around. And I'm suddenly O_O upright in my bed. "Oh mah gah, I DO have class! At 9!" It didn't go exactly like that, seeing how I will admit that I may or may not have used a couple of expletives in the above sentence. I pretty much rolled out of bed and went to class.

Monday night after Sweeney auditions, I painted my fingernails with liquid sunshine. And I was happy ALL DAY Tuesday. Every time I looked at my nails, I was like, "Awe, pretty!" Nail polish is therapeutic.

Actually, I don't really have that much to say. Huh.

I'm tired. And I need for tonight to be here.

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