Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day Three: Write About Your Day in Great Detail

Alright. This has the potential to be very long. Or it could be fairly short. It depends on how much I actually remember.

I woke up this morning at around... 9:45, thanks to my bladder. And decided not to go back to sleep. I felt like I needed to be productive, which meant eating breakfast, watching T.V., and playing Bejeweled. However, being on Weight Watchers, I decided not to have breakfast. So, I walked into the living room, said good morning to Aubrey who was on her computer, and sat down in the arm chair and played Bejeweled. Then I got the [not so] brilliant idea to curl my hair. I had watched a YouTube video the previous night about how to do a 1940s hairstyle. Carly has to be the inventor of chocolate chips next Wednesday for her class, so I thought if I had time, I'd play around with her hair. So, that's what led me to the decision to do my own hair. Bad idea.

(I don't know who this is).

FIRST of all, I have way too much hair. What I was thinking, I DON'T KNOW. I started with the bottom with a curling iron. Am I stupid? It takes other people 2 hours to curl my hair, why on EARTH did I think I was going to do it any faster? Plus, when I do my own hair, I somehow lose my powers of hand-eye coordination. That curling iron sucked it right out of me, because it knew it had the upper hand. It was hotter than Hell, and it was going to make me go all stupid so that I burned myself. And it succeeded.

I haz a burn on mah finga. D:

Then I got Liz-a-beth's rollers. And that was an even bigger mess. Not only did that not work, but my head was a semi-curly, semi-scraggly frizz ball. So much for practice...

Then, I decided it was lunch time before I went to school. I had a Healthy Choice pasta thing that didn't fill me up, but it was 8 points. What's that about? I then went to Biology. Listened to Adele 21 as I made my way to class. And as embarrassing as this is to admit, I make myself sit all the way at the top of the lecture hall, in the back row, because I JUST fit in those seats. =/ I can't even use the little desks. Which is why I took this fat lard of a self to the rec.

Ah, the Rec. We meet again. I find this place intimidating as it is. And the fact that the elliptical in the very center of the room called me over didn't help my cause. When you're my size, starting out on the elliptical is probably not the best thing in the world. Not two minutes into the workout, I was all ready to collapse. However, I stuck through it for at least a mile, because I knew all those skinny b-tards would laugh in my face if I got off after two minutes. That thought made me angry. So, against my body's will, I surged though. 1 mile. And then I left without regret. Until I got to the stairs and my calf muscles decided that they would protest. I felt like a Barbie doll, you know, the way their feet remain in the pointing position? It wasn't even that it was painful...they just didn't want to work! So I had to walk down the stairs painfully slow to ensure that I didn't go flopping down the steps like fish out of water.

Tomorrow... I shall ride the bike. -nod- Then maybe, MAYBE, the elliptical once more on Saturday. Maybe.

I made it home alive and took a shower, blah, blah, blah, and ate dinner. A SmartOne. Then it was working time. I got to work a whole two hours at the pharmacy today. Had a great conversation with a kid who is probably in college, but I wonder...

Kid: Yeah, I'd like to pick up for _________.

Me: Alright. That'll be $120.

Kid: How can that be? One of those is a refill.

Me: -_-

Refills in the pharmacy are NOT like refills at Taco Bell, Moron. They're NOT FREE.

My brain is starting to hate me right now. So let's sum this up:

Went to store, got groceries, went home, have a headache, and eating broccoli. NOM.


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